Monday, April 14, 2014


CHAPTER 21  PART 1 & 2  -    मन्त्रेश्वर   
 विरचितायां फलदीपिकायां एकविम्शोध्याय -   
 भाग् १ & २ – भुक्त्यन्तरान्तर लक्षणम् ll

“  ll अपहारविभागलक्षणं तत्पंक्तिं क्रमशः स्फुटं प्रवच्मि l
      यदुदीरितमत्र तत्समस्तं कथयेत्स्वदशांतरांतरादौ  ll  “................१.

1.   Mantheswara says that he will be explaining herein the method to calculate the ANTHARA AND PRATHYANTHARA DASAS in a DASA of a planet.This will occur in all dasas. DASA/APAHARA(BHUKTHI) and PRATHYANTHARA. In a DASA,
There will be ANTARA AND PRATHYANTHARA (अन्तर , प्रत्यन्तर) of all planets. For example Suppose a person has RAHU dasa running this will have Rahu as its BHUKTHI continued by Prathyanthara as RAHU then in the order of GURU, SHANI, BUDHA etc. In fact the 1st Apahara will be the DASA ITSELF and Prathyanthara will also be the DASA followed by the next DASA. The effects will be the effects of the planets which are the Apahara and Prathyanthara.  Please note that there are 9 APAHARAS AND PRATHYANTHARAS in a DASA.

“  ll  पाकेशाब्दहता दशेश्वरसमा नेत्राङ्कभक्ता: समा:
         शिष्टा रूपहता नराङ्कविहृता मासा नगेर्वासरा : l 
         छिद्रादिष्पपि चैवमेव कलयेत्पाकक्रमाच्चेद्दशा-
         नाथाद्या पुनरन्तरान्तरदशास्तत्पाकक्रमाः  ll  “.............२.

2.     Herein, Manthreswara teaches how to calculate the Antardasas in a dasa.
Accordingly we have to multiply the DASAS by the no.of years of the dasa of the planet and divide it with the figure 120 and the resultant will give the Yers of anthardasa and if we multiply the balance with 30 and then divide it with 120 we get the days.  Suppose we want to check the ANTARDASA of RAVI in SUKRA DASA. The SUN’ S portion of DASA in PURUSHA AYUS is 6 Years. This follows the sun’s dasa in one year as 1 x 6/120 Hence in SUKRA DASA which has 20 years the Sun’s Apahara

is 8x1 x 20= 1 year.  To find PRATYANTARA or UPA BHUKTHI  calculate in the
 same way i.e : 1/20 x 360 days.  Please note that the DASA is considered as per CHANDRAMAANAM ( 30 days per month for 20 years )

                                                                 रवे – अपहार (भुक्त )

“  ll  महीश्वरादुपलभतेऽधिकं यशो
        वनाचलस्थालवसतिं धनागम्  l
       ज्वरोष्णरुग्जनकवि योगजं भयम्
        निजं दशांप्रविशति तीक्ष्णदीधितौ  ll  “...............३.
                                               रवि विचार
3.   During the APAHAARA of the SUN in HIS DASA the person born will become famous because of benevolence of the KING.  He will wander in mountains and forests and will be wealthy.  He will suffer from fever and troubles from excessive heat . He is likely to lose his father.  Please profess good effects when sun is well posited .

  ll    रिपुक्षयो व्यसनशमो धनागमः कृषिक्रीया गृहकरणं सुहृद्युति:  l
         क्षयानलप्रतिहतिहतिरकर्दायकं शशी यदा हरति जलिद्भवा रुज:  ll..”...........४.

 4.  During its APAHARA  in Surya Dasa the MOON will help the native to destroy  his enemies , will relieve the native from miseries, He will acquire agricultural lands and build house and  meet his friends  and the CHANDRA’s APAHAARA will make him wealthy provided THE MOON IS well placed, otherwise he will suffer from excessive expenditure, MAHODARA or any other watery disease. There is possibility of death also.

“  ll  रुजागाम: पदाविरहोऽरिपीडनं  वरणोद्भव: स्वकुलजनैर्विरोधिता  l
            महीभृतो भवति भयं धनच्च्युतिर्यदा कुजो हरति तदाऽर्कवस्तरम्  ll  “............५.

5.        During the Apahaara of KUJA in RAVI DASA the native will suffer diseases and wounds and ulcers.   The Native will be depromoted and troubled by enemies. The Native will be misunderstood by relatives and will become his enemies.  He will be threatened by the king and will lose his wealth.  
In the 1st Line in some versions I have noticed “ ll पदवीरहोरूपीडनं ll in the first line.  All the same, the meaning remains unchanged.

ll  रिपूदयो धनहृतिरापदुद्गमो विषाद्भयं विषयविमूढता पुनः
      शिरोदृशोरधिकरुगोव देहिनां अहो भवेधिमकरायुरन्तरो  ll  “.........६.

6.    The person will have ,  during RAH’U.s Apahara in Sun’s Dasa to meet with  fresh enemies who will rise , will suffer from loss of wealth , theft of belonging, will suffer from poisoning, will desire for sensual pleasures, will suffer from severe problems related to head like headaches, eye trouble etc.

  ll  रिपुक्षयो विविध धनाप्तिरन्वहं सुरार्चनं द्विजगुरुबन्धुपूजनम्  l
         श्रवःश्रमो भवति च यक्ष्मरोगिता सुरार्चितो प्रविशति गोपतेर्दशाम्  ll  “.........७.

7.   During the Antherdasa of Guru in Ravi Dasa enemies will be destructed. The native will acquire money (wealth)  will be a regular worshipper of gods, Brahmins, and teachers, will have hearing problems and will have diseases like tuberculosis .( This will happen only if Jupiter is adversely disposed./RK ),

“  ll  धानाहतिः सुतविरहः   स्त्रीया रुजो गुरुव्ययः सपदि परिच्छदच्युतिः l
        मलिष्ठता भवति कफप्रपीदनं शनैश्चरे सवितृदशान्तरं गते  ll  “............८. 
 8. During the Apahaara of Saturn in Sun’S dasha, the NATIVE will lose his son or separate from his son, disease or death of an elderly person like father, uncle or preceptor, abnormal expenditure, and the native will suffer from phlegmatic problems.  He will have to face also troubles from women. He will also suffer loss of wealth.

“  ll  विर्चिकापिटकसकुष्ठकामिला विशर्धनं जठरकटिप्रपीडनम्  l
        महीक्षयः त्रिगदभवेत्तदा विधोः सुते चारति रवेरथाब्दकम्  ll  “...............९.

9.     The Native will suffer from cutaneous eruptions of boils, leprosy, jaundice, severe pains in belly, hip, etc. In short he will suffer from bile, phlegm and wind (त्रुदोष)  during the period of BHUKTHI of MERCURY in SUN’s Dasa.

“  ll  सुहृव्द्ययः स्वजनकुटुम्ब विग्रहो रिपोर्भयं धनहरणंपदच्युति: l
        गुरोरगदश्चरणशिरोरु गुच्चकै: शिखि यदा विशति दशां विवस्वत:  ll  “.............१०.

10.   Loss of friends, misunderstanding with family members, fear of enemies,
Loss of wealth, sickness of elders in the family, loss of position , intolerable pain on legs, severe headache will be the result during KETHU BHUKTHI in Sun’s Dasha.

“  ll  शिरोरुजा जठरगुदातिं पीडनं  कृषिक्रीया गृहधनधान्यविच्युतिl :  l
       सुतस्त्रीयोरसुखमतीव देहिनां भूगोः सुते चरति रवेरथाब्दकम्  ll  “..........११.
11.   Pain in Head, stomach disorders, pain in anus like piles, venturing agricultural activities,  loss of house, wealth loss and sickness of son and wife will be experienced by the native during the BHUKTHI period of SHUKRA in SUN’s dasa. 

                                                     चन्द्रा विचार

“  ll  स्त्री प्रजाप्तिरमलांशुकागमो भूसुरोत्तम समागमो भवेत्  l
        मातुरिष्टफलमङ्गनासुखं स्वाम् दशां विशति शीतदीधितौ  ll  “........१२

12.  The native will beget a girl child, will get bright and good clothes, will meet with learned brahmins, mother of the native will be blessed with happiness, will enjoy with wife or ladies during the Bhukthi period of SUN himself.

“  ll  पित्तवह्निरुधिरोड़वा रुजःक्लेशदुःखरिपुचोरपीडन्  l
        वित्तमानविहतिर्भवेत्कुजे शीतदीधितिदशानातरं गते  ll  “………….१३.
13.   During the BHUKTHI period of KUJA the native will have Bilious troubles (पित्त कोपं) , will suffer from diseases caused due to impure blood, will be troubled by enemies and thieves. He will be unhappy and lose wealth.

“  ll  तीव्रदोषरिपुवृद्धिबन्धुरुड़मरुताशनि भयार्तिरुद्भवेत्  l
        अत्रपानजनितज्वरोदयाश्चन्द्रवत्सरविहोरकेह्यहौ  ll  “............१४.

14.  In the Apahara of SARPPI (RAAHU), in MOON’s dasha the native will have to face fault finding by or reproach or death of relatives.  There will be increase of enemies,  and the native will have to  face danger from thunder storms and lightning , will suffer from food poisoning  or will suffer from indigestion.

“  ll  दानधर्मनिरतिः सुखोदयो वस्त्रभूषणसुह्रुत्समागमः  l
        राजसत्कृतिरातीव जायते कैरवप्रियंवयोहरे गुरौ  ll  “...........१५.

15.    During the BHUKTHI of Guru in CHANDRA DASHA  , the native will enjoy giving alms &  gifts and other Dharmic actions , He will be very happy and wear new clothes and ornaments. He will be conferred with honours by the king and meet his old friends.  

“ ll  नैकरोगविहतिःसुहृत्सुतस्त्रीरुजा व्यसनसंभवो महान्  l
       प्राणहानिरथवा भवेच्छनौ मारबन्धुवयसो गतेन्दरम्  ll  “............१६.

16. During  the Aphara of Sani in CHANDRA DASHA the Native will suffer from many types of diseases, illness of friends, wife and children including death to self or wife children or dearest friends might happen during this period.

“  ll  सर्वदा धनगजअश्वगोकुलप्राप्तिराभारणसौख्यसंपदः  l
        चित्तबोध इति जायते विधोरायुषि प्रवेशती प्रबोधने  ll  “ .........१७.
17.    The incumbent  Will get wealth, elephants, horses, cows, ornaments and all happiness  and will achieve knowledge during the apahara of Budha in Chandra Dasha.

“  ll  चित्तहानिरपि सपदस्चयुतिर्बन्धुहानिरपि तोयजं भयम्  l\
        दासभृत्यहति रस्ति देहिनां केतुके हरति चन्द्रामाबदकम्  ll  “..............१८.

18.    During Kethu’s Apahaara the native is likely to suffer loss of mental equilibrium, wealth loss of kith & kin and sevants, will be endangered by water,
In short this is a very bad perod for self and dependants during the ANTHARDASA OF KETHU IN MOON’DASA. In short this is a very bad period for self and dependants.

“  ll  तोययानवसुभूणाङ्गनाविक्रयक्रयकृषिकृयादयः  l
        पुत्रमित्रपशुधान्यसंयुतीश्चन्द्रदाय हरणोन्मुखे भृगौ  ll  “.............१९.

19.    During the Apahaara of VENUS in CHANDRA DASHA the native will embark in purchasing or selling water, conveyance,  jewels , women and agricultural products. The native will blessed with children, friends, cows, grains ( agricultural products ) etc.
“  ll  राजमाननमतीव शूरता रोगशान्तिररिपक्षविच्युतिः  l
        पित्तवातरुगिने गते तदा स्याच्छङ्कपरिवत्सरान्तरम्  ll  “ ............२०.

20.   During the RAVI’s Bhukthi In the dasha of Chandra the native will be destined to get honor from the king, will be valorous , will get relief from diseases due to PITHTHA and rheumatism, will win over and down fall of enemies are some of the results.

                             END OF BHUKTHIS DURING CHANDRA DASHA

Monday, January 20, 2014


                                                And Their BHUKTHI
 मन्त्रेश्वरविरचितायां फलदीपिक विंशोऽध्य
दशापहारयोर्विशेषफलानि    भाग् : ३ &

  ll  मन्दमान्द्यगुरवरेशरध्रवारेशरन्ध्रपा:तत्रवंशपतयोऽपि ये ग्रहा :  l

        तेषु दुर्बल दशा मृतिप्रदाकष्टभे चरति सूर्यनन्दने  ll  “.................३१.


31.   Find out which is the weakest planet among (i) Saturn (ii) Maandhi  (iii)      

        Raahu (iv) Lord of 22nd Drekkana from the Ascendant (v) Lord of 8t House   

         and (vi) Lords of Navamsha Signs occupied by these planets;  it is

        Only  during the Dasa of such weak sign when Saturn passes through the    

        6th, 8th or 12th  House, death will occur to the native.


  ll  मृतीशनाथस्थितभांशकेशयो;स्वरत्रिभागेश्वरयोर्ब्लीयस:  l

        द्शागमे मृत्युयुक्तभाम्शकत्रिकोणगे देवगुरौ तनुक्षयः  ll  “............३२.


32.   Check which planet is the srong among the following pairs of planets :-


        (i) The Lord of the 8th house and the lord of the Navamsha sign     

        occupied by the eighth house ;


        (ii) From the ascendant, Lord of the 22nd Drekkaana  and Lord of the   

        Drekkana of the Ascendant.

        Death of the native will occur when Jupiter in its course of transit passes    

        through (a) the sign occupied by the Lord of the 8th House  or (ii)    

        the Navamsha occupied by the lord of the 8th House (iii) or the trines of

        any one of the abovesaid (i) and (ii)


   ll  चतुष्टयस्था गुरुजन्म लग्नपा भवन्ति मध्ये वयसाः सुखप्रदाः  l

         क्रमेणै पृष्ष्टोभयमस्तकोदयस्थितोऽन्त्यमध्यप्रथमेषुपाकदाः   ll  “........३३.


33.    When GURU, the lord of the sign occupied by CHNDRA and the Lord of the ascendant  are positioned un an angle (KENDRA) , the life during the middle portion will be happy.  Planets which rise by the head, both by Head and hinder part and by rise by hinder part will give good results during the beginning , during middle and in the end respectively of the Native. ( बृहत जातक XXII – 5 ).


  ll  यद्भागो गोचरतो विलग्नाद्दशेश्वर: स्वोच्चसुहृद्गृहस्थ:  l

        तद्भावपुष्टिं कुरुते तदानीं बलान्वित स्चेज्जननेऽपि तस्य  ll  “............३४.


34.   When a planet whose Dasa is running, has enough strength during the birth of the Native, while in transit passes through his sign of EXALTATION (उच्च राशि) , or own sign or of a friend’s sign will promote prosperity when reckoned from LAGNA BHAVA.


  ll  बलोनितो जन्मनि पाकनाथो मौढ्यं स्वनीचं रिपुमन्दिरं वा  l 

        प्राप्तश्च यद्भावमूपैति चारान्तद्भावनाशं कुरुते तदानिम्  ll  “ ...........३५,


35.  when the Dasa of a planet which is weak at birth is in progress  or is it is eclipsed by Sun’s rays or debilitated  or in an inimical sign, the BHAVA (HOUSE)  will be totally destructed during its transit through any house.


  ll  दशेशस्यतुङ्गे सुहृद्भे दशेशात् त्रिषढ्कर्मलाभत्रिकोणास्ताभेषु  l

        यदा  चारगत्या समायाति चन्द्रः शुभं संविदत्तेऽन्यथा चेदरिष्टम्  ll  “.............३६.


36.   Auspicious and good result can be expected when the  Moon in its transition passes through (a) the Exaltation house  of the Lord of Dasha (b) the friendly house of the Lord of Dasha and (c) the 3rd , 5th . 6th, 7th  or  9th, 10th and 11th House and Gochara through any of the trine of the 7th house taken from the Lord of the Dasha of the Native. If during the Gochara of the moon in other places the effect will be quite opposite.  (gochara and transition are same )

ll  पाकप्रभुर्गोचरत: स्वनीचं मौढ्यं यदायति विपक्षभं वा  l

       कष्टं  विदधयात्खगृहं स्वतुन्ङ्गं वक्रं गतः सौख्यफलं सदानिम्  ll  “.........३७.


37.  When a Planet’s ANTAR DASHA in any Dasha is in operation in the course of its transit, at the time of passing through its sign of DEBILTATION or when ECLIPSED by the SUN, the Native will suffer from lot of miseries, If the same in transit pass through its own exaltation sign or retrograded the Native will experience good results.  


  ll पाकेशस्य शुभप्रदस्य भवनं तुङ्गं प्रपत्रे यदा

         सूर्ये तत्फलसिद्धिमेति गुरुणाऽप्येवं फलं चिन्तयेत्  l

         नीचं कष्टफलप्रदस्य च दशानाथस्य वैरिस्थालम्

         प्राप्ते भास्वती गोचरेण लभते तस्येव कष्टं फलम्  ll  “..........३८.


38.  Manifestation   of good  effects can be professed when the Apahara is auspicious, of a planet whose Dasha is running, when the SUN enters its exatation sign.  The effect will be the same when GURU transits the place.  Regarding the aphara of an inauspicious planet, the bad effects will be more felt when the SUN transits through the depression of the Bhukthi Lord or any of its inimical signs.  


  ll  येन ग्रहेण सहितो भुजगाधिनाथ –

        स्तत्खेटजातगुणदोषफलानि कुर्यात्  l

        सर्पिन्वितः स तु खगः शुभदोऽपि कष्टं

        दुःखं दशान्त्यसमये कुरुते विशेषात्  ll  “...........३९.


39.   Regarding RAHU, it will give the effects of the Planet’s nature with which it associates, whether it is good or bad. However, during RAHU’S DASHA bad or evil effects will be experienced during the concluding portion of this DASA


  ll  द्वावर्थकामाविह मारकाख्यौ तदिश्चरस्तत्र गतो बलाढ्यः  l

       हंति स्वपाके निधनेश्वरो वा व्ययेश्वरो वाऽप्यति दुर्बलश्चेत्  ll  “...........४०.


40. If the planets who own the 2nd and 7th  HOUSES are very powerful he death will occur during their DASAS. In the same manner if the Lords of 8th and 12th houses are very WEAK then the death can be expected during the APAHARA of any of the said two.


  ll  केन्द्रशस्य सताऽसतोऽशुभशुभौ कुर्याद्दशा कोणपाः

        सर्वेशोभनदास्त्रीवैरिभवपा यद्यप्यनर्थप्रदाः  l

        रन्ध्रेशोऽपि विलग्नपो यदि शुभं कुर्याद्रविर्वी शशी

        यद्येवं शुभदः पराशरमतं तत्तद्दशयां फलम्  ll  “.............४१.


41.  The Dasa of a Planet who is the lord of an angle will give adverse effect if he is a BENEFIC PLANET and will give benefic results if he is a MALEFIC PLANET.  The Dasa of all planets who are in trines i.e 1st , 5th, and 9th Houses will always give good results.  The Planets in CADENT Houses i.e. Aapoklimas even if they are  BENEFICS will always give adverse results.  If the Lord of the SIGN in which the ascendant is placed is auspicious,  will give good results, even placed in the 8th House.  The SUN and MOON if placed in the 8th House  also will also give good results and will not suffer any stigma being in the 8th House. Thesee the effects as said by HH. PARASARA RISHI.


  ll  कोणाधीशः केन्द्रगः केन्द्रपो वा कोणस्थाश्चेद् द्वौ च योगप्रदो स्तः  l

        द्वावप्येतौ भुक्तिकाले दशायामन्योन्यं तौ योगदौ सोपकारो  ll  “............४२.


42,  If the Lord of a trine is in a Quadrant or Angle (1, 4. 7 & 10) or if the Lord of केन्द्र (Quadrant) is in a trine (त्रिकोण) i.e, 1,5 or 9, it will produce auspicious result when their Apaharas are in each-others DASA.


  ll  न दिशेयुर्गहाःसर्वे स्वदशासु स्वभुक्तिषु  l

        भवाशुभाशुभ नृ्णामात्मभावानुरूपतः  ll  “..............४३.


43.   No planet will produce good or bad results to the person during its DASA     

        period and his apahaara period as per the bhavas they own.



  ll  आत्मसम्बन्धिनो ये च  ये ये निजस्धर्मिणः  l

        तेषामन्तर्दशास्वेव दिशन्ति स्वदशाफलम्  ll  “..........४४.


44.   Ascertain first,  whether all planets are related as given in Chapt. 5, Verse 30 to the planet whose Dasa is under considertion. Also check whether they are good or evil planets. Co-ordinate all the planets with the DASA which is under consideration .  It is only that the APAHARA of planet of the DASA will give its effect of that APAHARA durimg the DASA in question.


                              PART III OF CHAPTER 20 OF PHALADEEIKA ENDS




                              PART IV OF CHAPTER 20 OF PHALADEEPIKA            


   ll  केन्द्रत्रिकोणनेतारौ दोषयुक्तावपि स्वयम्  l

       संबन्धमात्राद्वलिनो भवेतां योगकारकौ  ll   “............४५.


45.  The lord of Ascendant House and the trines ie.  1st , 5th and 9th Houses are capable of producing evil results provided they are in evil houses, but will become YOGA KARAKA  i.e. will produce good results  and make the native prosperous due to their relationship (See chapter 15 , Verse  30)


  ll  त्रिकोणाधिपयोर्मध्ये संबन्धो येन कोनचित्  l

        केन्द्रनाथस्य बलिनो भवेद्यदि स योगकृत्  ll  “..........४६.


46. When either the LORD OF  5th House 0r 9th House is related to the Quadrant and thus become powerful and strong, will become a yogakaraka. ( capable of benefitting the native )


  ll  केन्द्रत्रिकोणाधिपोरैक्ये तौ योगकारकौ  l

        अन्यत्रिकोणपतिना संबन्धो यदि किं पुनः  ll  “.........४७.


47.  When the Lord of a QUADRANT is in association with any of the Lord of the 5th or 9th HOUSE they are said said to be capable of benefitting the native.

IF THE LORD OF QUADRANT IS RELATED TO  THE LORD OF WITH ANOTHER TRINE, without any doubt we can profess that the native will be prosperous.


ll  योगकारकसम्बन्दाप्तापिनोऽपि ग्रहाः स्वतः  l

       तत्तद्भभक्त्यनुसारेण दिशेयुर्योगिकं फलम्  ll  “..............४८.


48. Even if the planets are natural enemies , if they are related to planet which is capable of benefitting the native, the native will experience good effects during their Bhukthi Period,  hence the native will experience affluence and happiness.


  ll  स्वदशायां त्रिकोनेशो भुक्तौ केन्द्रपतेः शुभम्  l

       दिशेत्सोऽपि तथा नो चेदसंबन्धोऽपि पापकृत्  ll  “.............४९.


49.  The Lord  of the 1st House, 5th House and 9th House (TRINES) will during its Dasa and Bhukthi or Apahara of the lord of  a Quadrant will produce benevolent results . The two planets , even if they are not connected in any manner as given in Chapter 15 Verse 30 given herein, no harm will be produced.


  ll  केन्द्राधिपत्यदोषस्तु बलवान् गुरुशुक्रयोः  l

       मारकत्वेऽपि चतयोर्मार्कस्थानसंस्थिति  ll  “...........५०.

50.  When Jupiter and Venus become owners of QUADRANTS they will become capable to harm the native. If they occupy or own the 2nd and 7th Houses which are called MARAKA HOUSES, they will become very powerful and cause death to the NATIVE.   


  ll  बुधस्तदनु चन्द्रोऽपि भवेत्तदनु तद्विधः l

        पापाश्चित्केन्द्रपतयःशुभदाश्चोत्तरोत्तरम्  ll  “...........५१.

51.  Mercury ( बुध ) is less powerful and Moon is most less powerful. Please note that the Malefics when become Lords of Quadrants  are more and more auspicious in providing their effects.


  ll  यदि केन्द्रे त्रिकोणे वा निवसेतां तमोग्रहौ  ll

        नाथेनान्यतरस्यैव संबन्धाद्योगकारकौ  ll    ............५२.


52.  When RAHU or KETHU occupy a QUADRANT or a TRINE i.e. 1st 4th 7th and 10th or 1st 5th or 9th House they become YOGA KARAKA when they are connected with the lord of one of these Quadrants or trines and produce good results to the native.


  ll  तमोग्रहौशुभरूढौऽसंबन्धाद्यौ येन केनचित्  l

        अन्तर्दशानुरूपेण भवेतां योगकारकौ  ll  “................५३.


53.  When RAHU and KETHU occupy a sign of Benefic ( the HOUSEs OF GURU, SHUKRA, FULL MOON  and BUDHA associated with good planets ) and are not associated with any planet then they give auspicious results in their APAHARAS in the Main DASA.

There is another version of this verse in which it written असंबन्द्वो च केनचित्  to which I do not subscribe.” संबन्द्धौ च कोनचित्” is another way of writing which I saw in  Dr. G.S.Kapoor’s Translation and also in Brahmashri.  V. S. Shastri’s translation of this famous work.


If RAHU AND KETHU which are called Thamo Graha in Sanskrit occupy a sign of benefic which is not in a bad house  or called as the houses of Evil Planets they will produce good results.  BUT REMEMBER THAT THEY ARE IN AUSPICIOUS HOUSES THEN ONLY THE RESULT SAID ABOVE WILL BE RECEIVED.


  ll  आराम्भो राजयोगस्य भवेत्कारकभुक्तिषु  l

        प्रथयन्ति तमारभ्य क्रमश पापभुक्क्तयः  ll  “.............५४.

54. When the YOGAKAARAKAA (योगकारका) planet starts RAJA YOGA (राज योग). This Raja Yoga will continue when the Karaka Planets  progress and also increase when malefics succeed them during their anthar dasa. (Friends, there are many versions.  I do not want to confuse you by giving them here )


 रन्ध्रस्यरन्ध्रेक्षकरन्द्रनाथ रन्ध्रत्रिभागाधिपमान्दीभेशाः  l

    दुःखप्रदास्तेष्वपि दुर्बलो यः स नाशकारी स्वदशापहारे  ll  “.............५५.


55.  The Planets will cause problems (a) if they situate in the 8th house,(b) if they aspect the eighth house, (c) If any of them become the LORD OF the 8th  HOUSE  if it owns the drekkaanam of the 8th house, and if it is a sign occupied by Maandhi.  Among these the weakest  might kill the native (नाशकारी).


      भ्रष्ठस्यतुङ्गादवरोहिसंज्ञा मध्या भवेत्सा सुहृदुच्चभागे  l

        आरोहिणी निम्नपरिच्युतस्य नीचारिभांशेष्वधमा भवेत्सा ll  “ ...............५६.


56.  AVAROHINI (अवरोहिणि)  means DESCENDING and opposite word is AROHINI (आरोहिणि) meaning rising or ascending. Always when a DASA falls from Exaltation it is called as AVAROHINI. When the DASA causing planet is in his Friend’s House it is called MIDDLING or in Sanskrit is known as  MADHYA ( मध्य ); and if the dasa forming  planet  is in His depression or in inimical SIGN or Inimical AMSA it is termed as WORST PLACE or in Sanskrit  ( अधम स्थान ) , Always when a DASA is proceeding from its debilitation is called AAROHINI .


  ll  शस्तगृहे शस्तंशे नीचे रिपुभेऽस्तसंस्थिते पाऽपि       

   तस्य दशा मिश्रफला दशापरार्धे फलप्रदाज्ञेया  ll  “.............५७.


57.  If a planet remains in a House of his enemy, or is eclipsed or depressed and occupy a good House or AMSA then the effect produced during its Udu Dasa will give a mixed one or मिश्र फल  but the end of the dasa will be good.


  ll  तत्तद्भावात्व्ययस्थस्य तद्भावव्ययपस्य च  l

       वीर्यहीनस्य खेटस्य पाके मृत्युभावाप्नुयात्  ll  “..................५८.


58. Please note that the death of a relative will happen in all possibilities when the main Dasa of the planet when calculated from the House 12th to that House or during the planet owning it depending on which ever is weaker.


  ll  चारगत्या फलमाह श्रीपति  ll


  ll  दशापतिर्लग्नगतो यदि स्यात् त्रिषट्दशैकादशगश्च लग्नात्  l

        तत्सप्तवर्गेऽप्यथ तत्सुहृद्वा लग्ने शुभे वा शुभदा दशा स्यात्  ll  “...........५९.


59.  In case the Lord of the Dasa in its transit positions in the Ascendant , 3rd,the 6th, the 10th or in the 11th house reckoned from the planet or if the lord of the running Dasa positions in the seven kinds of division (सप्त वर्ग)  places of the Ascendant or if a friendly or benefic planet positions in the Ascendant, the DASA will become auspicious during the transition period mentioned above.


  ll  यावन्ति वर्षाणि दशा च  सा स्याच्चारक्रमात्तत्र दशापतिः सः  l

        यत्र स्थितस्तद्भवनाद्वीधोस्तु स्थितेः प्रकल्प्यं सदसत्फलं हि  ll  “..............६०.


60.  Find out which planet’s DASA or APHAARA is in progress and the house in which it is situated in its transition with reference to the Moon in the natal chart. The DASA or APAHARA will produce good effects during its transit through good houses with reference to the position of Moon. The effects of the Dasa will be bad if the Lord of the Dasa is in inauspicious House with respect to the position of the natal moon.


  ll  दशाधिनाथस्य सुहृद्गृहस्थस्तदुच्चगो वाऽथ दशाधिनाथात्  l

        स्मरत्रिकोणोपचयोपगश्च ददाति चान्द्रः खलु सत्फलानि  ll  “...........६१


61.  Beneficial results will be obtained when the Lord of the Dasa is while transiting through a friend’s house during the Dasa period or in the sign in which the Lord of the Sign is in exaltation or from the Lord of the Dasa in 3rd, 5th, 6th,7th ,9th, 10th and 11th houses.


  ll  उत्त्केषु राशिषु गतस्य विधोः स राशिः

        स्याज्जन्मकालमवमूर्तिधनादिभावः  l

        तत्तद्वीवृद्धिकृदसौ कथीतो नराणाम्

        तद्भावहानिकृदयेतरराशिसंस्थ:  ll  “...........६२.


62.  In the beneficial results mentioned in the previous verse the Zodiacal Sign occupied by the MOON should be represented by one of the 12 Houses such as Lagna, Dhana Bhava etc at the time of birth. CHANDRA will promote prosperity in respect of the House in favourable position and  in unfavourable position the HOUSE represented by the SIGN occupied by the MOON  will damage further.


  ll  सारावलीमुडुदशां च वराहहोरा –

        मालोक्य जातकफलं प्रवदेत्रराणाम्  l

        प्रश्नोदयग्रहवशादथ वा स्व जन्म –

        राश्यादीना वदतु नास्त्यनयोर्विशेषः  ll  ............६३.


इति मन्द्रेश्वर विरचितायां फलदीपिकायां दशाफारफलं नामः विम्शोध्यायः

63.  When assessing the several effects in a native’s Horoscope, the astrologer has to use SARAVALI of Kalyana Varma , Hora Shastra of Varahamihira and UDU DASAS . The Astrologer has to also check the Lagna at the time of approaching him by the native or his representative at the time of birth of the native and then must attempt to make predictions, If correctly done there can never be difference between the JANMA LAGNA AND PRASNA LAGNA in the matter of predictions.